How far can a person run without stopping?
People go on 5K and 10K runs all the time. But what's the farthest humans can run at one time?
By Tantse Walter last updated
BUYING GUIDE The best star projectors bring the wonders of the cosmos into your home — find the best models here.
By Shreejaya Karantha published
After hundreds of hours of observations, researchers captured a highly detailed image of a long filament of the "cosmic web" connecting two distant galaxies. The discovery opens new windows for understanding how structures form and evolve in the universe.
By Hatty Willmoth published
The U.S. is currently experiencing very high levels of seasonal influenza across the country. Here's why.
By Patrick Pester published
Researchers have discovered blow fly larvae with fake termite faces on their rears that enable them to socially integrate into termite colonies in the mountains of Morocco.
By Tom Garlinghouse, Live Science Staff last updated
From the first woman to win a Nobel Prize to the discoverer of jumping genes, here are some of the women who have made major contributions to science and mathematics.
By Frederik Joelving, Cyril Labbé, Guillaume Cabanac published
Fake papers are contaminating the world’s scientific literature, fueling a corrupt industry and slowing legitimate lifesaving medical research
By Elana Spivack published
Nuclear bunkers aren't a foolproof way to stay safe during a nuclear attack. Here's why.
By Victoria Atkinson published
A new smart fabric converts light into heat and can raise temperatures by more than 54 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) after just 10 minutes in the sun.
By Keumars Afifi-Sabet published
Review The new Surface offers a great display and long battery life