Latest about Elephants
Elephant Mystery at Ancient Syrian Battle Solved
By Tia Ghose published
Elephants in Eritrea are ordinary African savannah elephants, which are larger than Asian elephants. As a result, an ancient account of why war elephants were spooked must be wrong.
In Elephant Society, Matriarchs Lead (Op-Ed)
By Marc Bekoff published
Elephant females call the shots in elephant society.
Aerial Survey Will Be First to Count Most of Africa's Elephants
By Douglas Main published
How many elephants are there in Africa? A new mission will count elephants in 22 countries throughout Africa, the largest effort of its kind.
US Crushes Its Stockpile of Elephant Ivory
By Megan Gannon published
Six tons of carvings, jewelry, trinkets and tusks were being reduced to powder today (Nov. 14) as the United States, for the first time, destroyed its ivory stockpile.
Elephants Understand Human Gesture, No Training Needed
By Tia Ghose published
Elephants can follow the human gesture of pointing, even without any training. The animals' complex social networks may play a role in this ability, researchers say.
Do Elephants Weep as an Emotional Response? (Op-Ed)
By Marc Bekoff published
Is weeping a purely human emotion?
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