Photos: Gorgeous Shots of the Adorable Horned Lizard

Sacred to Native tribes

horned lizard

(Image credit: NPS)

Many Native American tribes consider the horned lizard as a sacred animals. The Lakota call this lizard "Ptehe Agleska," and to the Lakota People, the animal represents mystery, secrecy and the keeper of precious secrets. In the oral traditions of the Navajo people, the horned lizard often appears in their teaching legends. The horned lizard has been long been depicted in petroglyphs found at many ancient sites across the American West and are also a common motif in many forms of Native American art.

Friend, not foe

horned lizard

(Image credit: NPS)

Despite all their spines, the horned lizards of North America offer no threats to humans. They are easily captured and many have been made playmates and pets by children growing up in the arid regions in which they live. Their cuteness and gentleness when handled makes this common desert creature one of the most lovable of all species of reptiles.

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