Winter Wonderland: Images of Stunning Snowy Landscapes

Winter Wonderland

sunset in Finland

(Image credit: mikie11 | shutterstock)

From Australia to Antarctica, we've rounded up breathtaking images of snow-filled landscapes from around the world.

The above winter scene of a rosy sunset's rays over the snow was captured in Finland.

Snow-Covered Forest

forest in Ukraine

(Image credit: Kotenko Oleksandr | shutterstock)

A forest in Ukraine overlooks the Carpathian Mountains, the second-longest mountain range in Europe after the Scandinavian Mountains. The mountains stretch across Central and Eastern Europe, and are known as the Central Carpathians in Ukraine.

Dr. Seuss Trees

Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine

(Image credit: Kotenko Oleksandr | shutterstock)

This otherworldly shot also shows snow-covered trees in front of the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine.

Winter Twilight

historic town of Schaffhausen

(Image credit: Marcel Baumgartner | shutterstock)

This tranquil photograph was snapped in the historic town of Schaffhausen, which was a city-state during the Middle Ages. Located in the northernmost corner of Switzerland, the town rests on the beautiful Rhine riverside.

Frozen Flatirons

the Flatirons

(Image credit: Coloradophotos | shutterstock)

The jagged peaks of the Flatirons, a rock formation located in Chautauqua Park, rise above the snow-covered trees of Boulder, Colo. One of Boulder's most iconic geological features, the Flatirons is a popular destination for mountain climbers.

Snowy Archway

stratovolcano Mount Fuji

(Image credit: Hiroshi Ichikawa | shutterstock)

This photo of the snow-tipped stratovolcano Mount Fuji was taken through arching braches on the island of Honshu in Japan. At 12,388 feet (3,776 meters), Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.

Russian Forest

Russian Forest

(Image credit: Leonid Ikan | shutterstock)

The above shot of a sunset over a forest was taken in Russia. During the winter, the days in Russia are quite short, with the sun setting just before 5 p.m. in Moscow during December. The parts of Russia that are to the North of the Polar Circle experience a polar night, which occurs when there is no sunlight during the winter season because the sun's rays do not reach over from the horizon in those areas.

Roadside Icicles

rural Russia

(Image credit: Repina Valeriya | shutterstock)

Here, a snowy-white roadside in rural Russia. Tree branches can look like they've been spray-painted white from every angle — not just from above, as is the case after a snowfall — when water particles in fog settle and freeze on surfaces, forming a frosty outer layer that is known as rime.

Australian Snow

Mount Bogong

(Image credit: Ashley Whitworth | shutterstock)

The above wind-swept landscape overlooks Mount Bogong in Falls Creek, Australia. Located in Alpine National Park, Mount Bogong is a popular skiing and snowboarding location during the mid winter-spring months — the only time that the mountain is covered in snow.

Fog and Frost

Mrzla Vodica in Croatia

(Image credit: Sergey Shandin | shutterstock)

A fog creeps over a snow-covered road in the village of Mrzla Vodica in Croatia.

Winter Landscape

snow in Denmark

(Image credit: Dhoxax | shutterstock)

The above winter landscape of frosty trees and shrubbery is in Denmark, a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. The days are short in Denmark during the winter, with sunsets occurring at about 3:45 p.m.

Remy Melina was a staff writer for Live Science from 2010 to 2012. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication from Hofstra University where she graduated with honors.