Latest about atoms
Image Gallery: Stunning Peek Inside Molecules
By Tia Ghose published
A new technique has allowed scientists to peer inside individual molecules, watching the vibration of bonds between atoms.
Mysteriously Shrinking Proton Continues to Puzzle Physicists
By Stephanie Pappas published
Mystery remains: Why don't proton measurements add up?
Quantum Meets Macro: Strange Particle Behavior Found
By Clara Moskowitz published
Physicists shined laser light photons at atoms and found that sometimes, the two became entangled.
How Many Neutrons and Protons Can Get Along? Maybe 7,000
By Clara Moskowitz published
Physicists have estimated a limit for the number of different atomic nuclei variations that can be created.
Winner of Alan Alda's 'Flame Challenge' Draws on Animation and Song
By Wynne Parry published
A video explains the origin of a flame in terms meant for an 11-year-old.
Cosmic Quirk of Physics Now Discovered in a Molecule
By Clara Moskowitz published
The same phenomenon causing a siren to change pitch as it drives by has now been shown in a single molecule.
Invention Traps Mysterious Antimatter
By Live Science Staff published
The trouble with studying antimatter is keeping it around.
Atom Smasher Makes Little Big Bangs
By Clara Moskowitz published
The world's largest particle accelerator has begun to create mini Big Bangs in the lab by smashing lead ions together.
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