Two Hearts | Space Wallpaper

Barred Spiral Galaxy Messier 83 Hubble View 1920
This space wallpaper is a Hubble image showing the scatterings of bright stars and thick dust that make up spiral galaxy Messier 83, otherwise known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgement: William Blair (Johns Hopkins University))

This space wallpaper is a Hubble image showing the scatterings of bright stars and thick dust that make up spiral galaxy Messier 83, otherwise known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy. One of the largest and closest barred spirals to us, this galaxy is dramatic and mysterious; it has hosted a large number of supernova explosions, and appears to have a double nucleus lurking at its core. This image was released Jan. 9, 2014. Staff is the premier source of space exploration, innovation and astronomy news, chronicling (and celebrating) humanity's ongoing expansion across the final frontier. We transport our visitors across the solar system and beyond through accessible, comprehensive coverage of the latest news and discoveries. For us, exploring space is as much about the journey as it is the destination.