Twins! Pictures of Zoo Atlanta's Baby Pandas

Cute Cubs

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

These adorable panda cubs were born at Zoo Atlanta on July 15.

Twin Panda Cubs

Twin panda cub brothers snuggle up at Zoo Atlanta, and now they have names: Mei Lun (may loon) and Mei Huan (may hwaan).

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

Twin panda cub brothers snuggle up at Zoo Atlanta, and now they have names: Mei Lun (may loon) and Mei Huan (may hwaan).

Cub Checkup

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

The panda twins get examined at about a month old.

Mom and Baby

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

The twins were born to panda mom Lun Lun.

Sleepy Bears

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

Lun Lun snoozes with one of her cubs.

Surprise Birth

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

The twins were a surprise to Zoo Atlanta's panda keepers. It is difficult to tell if a female panda is pregnant, since they typically don't cooperate with an ultrasound and most undergo a "pseudopregnancy" if they don't conceive.

Giant panda newborn

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

One of the twin giant panda brothers born at Zoo Atlanta gets examined.

Just born!

The Zoo Atlanta's twin panda cubs looking snuggly on the day of their birth, July 15, 2013.

(Image credit: Zoo Atlanta)

The Zoo Atlanta's twin panda cubs looking snuggly on the day of their birth, July 15, 2013.

Megan Gannon
Live Science Contributor
Megan has been writing for Live Science and since 2012. Her interests range from archaeology to space exploration, and she has a bachelor's degree in English and art history from New York University. Megan spent two years as a reporter on the national desk at NewsCore. She has watched dinosaur auctions, witnessed rocket launches, licked ancient pottery sherds in Cyprus and flown in zero gravity. Follow her on Twitter and Google+.