There may be a 'dark mirror' universe within ours where atoms failed to form, new study suggests

A galaxy cluster colorized to show invisible dark matter (blue) alongside regular, visible matter (red, green, and orange).
(Image credit: Radio: GBT Green Bank Observatory/National Science Foundation (NSF); Optical: Subaru Tele-scope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan/HSC-SSP collaboration; X-ray: European Space Agency (ESA)/XMM-Newton/XXL survey consortium.)

What if the world of dark matter was a mirror of our own, just with a broken set of rules? That might explain why dark matter appears to be so abundant yet invisible, a new theory suggests.

Dark matter is the mysterious, unknown substance that seems to make up the bulk of all the mass in the universe; for every 2 pounds (1 kilogram) of regular matter, there's roughly 10 pounds (5 kg) of dark matter. It doesn't interact with light or normal matter. The only way scientists can detect it is through its subtle gravitational influence on normal matter, such as the motions of stars within galaxies and the growth of super-large structures in cosmic time.

It might be easy to think that because matter and dark matter operate with different rules, one would be totally dominant over the other. But despite having wildly different properties, the amounts of normal matter and dark matter are still in the same ballpark. That seems like a strange coincidence.  To explain this, scientists proposed there could be some sort of hidden link between them. They published their research Jan. 22 on the preprint journal arXiv.

The researchers posited that for every physical interaction in normal matter, there's a mirror of it in the world of dark matter. This would be a new kind of symmetry in nature, connecting the normal and dark matter worlds, the researchers said.

This symmetry would help explain why dark matter and regular matter have roughly the same abundances.

Related: Our universe is merging with 'baby universes', causing it to expand, new theoretical study suggests

In the paper, the researchers point out another strange coincidence. In the physics of normal matter, a neutron and proton have almost exactly the same mass, which enables them to bind together and form stable atoms. If a proton was just a little bit heavier, it would be totally unstable and decay in only a few minutes, making the formation of atoms impossible. In this imaginary scenario, the universe would be left with a sea of free-floating neutrons.

Perhaps, the researchers suggest, this imaginary, broken cosmos may be a reality in the dark matter mirror version of our universe. A special combination of physics led to a proton having roughly the same mass as a neutron; perhaps in the dark matter mirror, that combination of physics played out differently, causing the "dark proton" to evaporate and leave behind a sea of "dark neutrons" — what we identify as dark matter.

While this proposed mirror model allows for the possibility of rich interactions among dark matter particles — dark atoms, dark chemistry and a dark periodic table of dark elements — there can't be too much interaction, the researchers noted. If the dark matter interacts with itself a lot, it would tend to clump up far more than scientists think it does. So most of the dark matter has to be relatively simple — a sea of free-floating, neutral particles.

These additional interactions, which would be a dark mirror of our chemical world, may enable future scientists to test this theory. In the early universe, normal matter underwent nucleosynthesis, when the first elements formed in a nuclear plasma. If this new idea is correct, then there was a mirror nucleosynthesis also happening in dark matter. In those chaotic early days, channels may have opened up between the two worlds, enabling them to affect each other.

By carefully measuring the rate of element formation — something that the next generation of cosmological observatories hope to do — scientists may be able to find evidence for one of these channels and get a glimpse into the mirror dark universe.

Paul Sutter

Paul M. Sutter is a research professor in astrophysics at  SUNY Stony Brook University and the Flatiron Institute in New York City. He regularly appears on TV and podcasts, including  "Ask a Spaceman." He is the author of two books, "Your Place in the Universe" and "How to Die in Space," and is a regular contributor to, Live Science, and more. Paul received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2011, and spent three years at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, followed by a research fellowship in Trieste, Italy. 

  • danr2222
    "This symmetry would help explain why dark matter and regular matter have roughly the same abundances."
    A half-order of magnitude is apparently a decent "roughly same" for physicists.

    Anyway, it has long been a tenet of theoreticians that in the (likely) multiple-universe cosmogenesis (cosmogeneses, to coin a more comprehensive term), there could be a myriad of constituents, for which the Standard Model particle zoo is just one of many possibilities. What we have is simply what fell out from a particular fractionation of the four forces.

    But having allowed that possibility, we could go further and say, even intuitively, that every cosmogenesis generates all possibilities of particles and fields in one go. And we could go from there to speculate that the 5:1 ratio is a constant for every cosmogenic instance. Perhaps the greater, 4/5ths, fraction is part alternative SMs, part simply an inchoate hodge-podge of field/particulate goo, the analog of cellular junk-DNA. The only thing in common to everything is the gravitational field.

    To take this to its logical (or at least speculative) conclusion, and I think Paul has touched on this in previous items, perhaps there could be cosmogenic 'matter' beyond the 5/5ths that have no gravitational interactions at all: a meta-shadow-parallel world, entirely inaccessible to any means of detection.
  • bern
    admin said:
    The invisible substance called dark matter remains one of the biggest mysteries in cosmology. Perhaps, a new study suggests, this strange substance arises from a 'dark mirror universe' that's been linked to ours since the dawn of time.

    There may be a 'dark mirror' universe within ours where atoms failed to form, new study suggests : Read more
    Am I being simplistic? Does it just require large masses of undetectable elements such as hydrogen to produce galactic coherence? After all one kilo of iron has the same gravitational effect as one kilo of hydrogen at distance. I am not sure if this really happens.
    admin said:
    The invisible substance called dark matter remains one of the biggest mysteries in cosmology. Perhaps, a new study suggests, this strange substance arises from a 'dark mirror universe' that's been linked to ours since the dawn of time.

    There may be a 'dark mirror' universe within ours where atoms failed to form, new study suggests : Read more
  • davehusk
    Mathematically speaking, each passing day represents a small increment in time, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc., depending on the context. As a result, the number of days passed since the beginning of the universe can be represented mathematically as follows:
    Let's assume there are N total days that have elapsed since the Big Bang. Each day contains D total units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.). Then, the mathematical expression representing the passage of time would look like this:
    N × D = T
    * N = Number of days passed since the Big Bang
    * D = Units of time contained within each day (e.g., seconds, minutes)
    * T = Total amount of time elapsed since the Big Bang
    For example, if there had been 86,400 seconds in each day, and 1 million days had passed since the Big Bang, then the total amount of time elapsed would be calculated as:
    1,000,000 × 86,400 = 86,400,000,000 seconds
    which equals around 277 years.
    Please note that this calculation assumes a constant flow of time, which may not accurately reflect reality due to factors like relativistic effects, quantum fluctuations, or other unknown phenomena. Additionally, the actual duration of a single day depends on various factors, such as planetary rotation speed, orbital period, and so forth. So.. According to this article...

    What if the world of dark matter was a mirror of our own, just with a broken set of rules?
  • davehusk
    davehusk said:
    Mathematically speaking, each passing day represents a small increment in time, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc., depending on the context. As a result, the number of days passed since the beginning of the universe can be represented mathematically as follows:
    Let's assume there are N total days that have elapsed since the Big Bang. Each day contains D total units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.). Then, the mathematical expression representing the passage of time would look like this:
    N × D = T
    * N = Number of days passed since the Big Bang
    * D = Units of time contained within each day (e.g., seconds, minutes)
    * T = Total amount of time elapsed since the Big Bang
    For example, if there had been 86,400 seconds in each day, and 1 million days had passed since the Big Bang, then the total amount of time elapsed would be calculated as:
    1,000,000 × 86,400 = 86,400,000,000 seconds
    which equals around 277 years.
    Please note that this calculation assumes a constant flow of time, which may not accurately reflect reality due to factors like relativistic effects, quantum fluctuations, or other unknown phenomena. Additionally, the actual duration of a single day depends on various factors, such as planetary rotation speed, orbital period, and so forth. So.. According to this article...

    What if the world of dark matter was a mirror of our own, just with a broken set of rules?
    well... not broken..... rather... DIGITAL :-)
  • gdmellott
    Neucleogenesis: From what I've read there was an endeavor to evidence the validity of the idea of dark matter object of significant size. They used light passing through the apparent areas that dark matter seemed to exist and looked for interference patterns in the light that would exist if there were a sufficient number of such sized bodies in the area to cause the gravity that seemed to exist there. There wasn't any found. They deemed that if there was any they would have to be rather small in size to be missed by the search.
    What if what we note a neucleogenesis is not stablely possible for what is causing dark matter. From what I read about the energy level tht the Higgs boson exists at, they it could imply that there is a much lower state of energy possible that a very "cooled" universe to fall into eventually and still exist that way. This may also allow more readily the virtual particles that pop in and out of existence a more understandable way to come about.
    Since it really does not take anything but the noted effect that Maxwell found in radio energy propagation, where the intensity of energy in an area determined the relative noted speed of its propagation; that the lensing (gravity) effect that this could generate and thereby cause points, strings, loops, knots, etc,, that could allow the forms of matter that we note, and possibly the other things that is noted as dark matter. Therein, a serious amount of it may be in more primitive forms that are theorized by string theory that may allow for such things of very long lengths that could link at times that might make a stretchy 'spider webs' around and between galaxies, among other things.