Our amazing planet.

In Photos: Soar With The Man Who Can Fly


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Potter gets a lot of inspiration from birds. Here, bird scientist Bret Tobalske holds a Zebra Finch in front of his high speed camera.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

The view from Potter's expedition tent on top of Mt. Bute.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Dean Potter and Whisper atop Mt. Bute, British Columbia.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Leaping headfirst, Dean Potter soars to meet the ocean.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Whisper and Dean Potter take in the view at Turtle Back Dome in Yosemite National Park.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Reaching speeds over 100 mph, Dean Potter flies in his newly designed and enhanced wingsuit.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Potter and his fellow flier examine their wingsuits before take off.


dean potter man who can fly

(Image credit: National Geographic Channel)

Potter and his teammate after a safe flight.

"Any flight or any experience in life where I have fun and I don't get injured," Potter told OurAmazingPlanet.

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