Our amazing planet.

Asian Species on the Edge of Extinction

Malayan Tiger Cubs

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: Julie Larsen Maher/WCS)

Will the tiger go the way of the passenger pigeon or be saved from extinction like the American bison?

Sumatran Rhino

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: Dennis deMello/WCS.)

Three rhino species suffer from dramatic population declines and range shrinkages.


extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: Eleanor Briggs)

The orangutan faces a bleak future with widespread conversion of its habitat into palm oil plantations that have decimated wild populations.

Mekong Giant Catfish

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: WCS)

Fishing efforts in the Mekong basin are increasing, and the loss of migratory routes through the construction of dams may also have a negative impact on fish abundance in the river.

Asian Vultures

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: WCS.)

Direct killing account for 10 percent of recorded vulture deaths, but the main cause of mortality has been diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug used for veterinary reasons in cattle that is toxic to vultures when the carcass is consumed.

Batagur Turtles

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: WCS.)

Heavily harvested and exploited for flesh and eggs, five species of turtle are critically endangered and one is endangered.

Baiji Freshwater Dolphin

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: Stephen Leatherwood.)

A now extinct Chinese freshwater dolphin.

Kouprey, Wild Cattle

extinction, conservation, Asian species

(Image credit: WCS.)

A now extinct type of wild cattle from Southeast Asia.

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