New quantum paradox throws the foundations of observed reality into question

abstract quantum particle
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Perhaps not, some say.

And if someone is there to hear it? If you think that means it obviously did make a sound, you might need to revise that opinion.

We have found a new paradox in quantum mechanics — one of our two most fundamental scientific theories, together with Einstein's theory of relativity — that throws doubt on some common-sense ideas about physical reality.

Quantum mechanics vs. common sense

Take a look at these three statements:

  • When someone observes an event happening, it really happened.
  • It is possible to make free choices, or at least, statistically random choices.
  • A choice made in one place can’t instantly affect a distant event. (Physicists call this “locality”.)

These are all intuitive ideas, and widely believed even by physicists. But our research, published in Nature Physics, shows they cannot all be true — or quantum mechanics itself must break down at some level.

This is the strongest result yet in a long series of discoveries in quantum mechanics that have upended our ideas about reality. To understand why it's so important, let's look at this history.

The battle for reality

Quantum mechanics works extremely well to describe the behavior of tiny objects, such as atoms or particles of light (photons). But that behavior is … very odd.

In many cases, quantum theory doesn't give definite answers to questions such as "where is this particle right now?" Instead, it only provides probabilities for where the particle might be found when it is observed.

For Niels Bohr, one of the founders of the theory a century ago, that's not because we lack information, but because physical properties like "position" don't actually exist until they are measured.

And what's more, because some properties of a particle can't be perfectly observed simultaneously — such as position and velocity — they can't be real simultaneously.

No less a figure than Albert Einstein found this idea untenable. In a 1935 article with fellow theorists Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, he argued there must be more to reality than what quantum mechanics could describe.

Read more: Einstein vs quantum mechanics ... and why he'd be a convert today

The article considered a pair of distant particles in a special state now known as an "entangled" state. When the same property (say, position or velocity) is measured on both entangled particles, the result will be random — but there will be a correlation between the results from each particle.

For example, an observer measuring the position of the first particle could perfectly predict the result of measuring the position of the distant one, without even touching it. Or the observer could choose to predict the velocity instead. This had a natural explanation, they argued, if both properties existed before being measured, contrary to Bohr's interpretation.

However, in 1964 Northern Irish physicist John Bell found Einstein's argument broke down if you carried out a more complicated combination of different measurements on the two particles.

Bell showed that if the two observers randomly and independently choose between measuring one or another property of their particles, like position or velocity, the average results cannot be explained in any theory where both position and velocity were pre-existing local properties.

That sounds incredible, but experiments have now conclusively demonstrated Bell's correlations do occur. For many physicists, this is evidence that Bohr was right: physical properties don't exist until they are measured.

But that raises the crucial question: what is so special about a "measurement"?

The observer, observed

In 1961, the Hungarian-American theoretical physicist Eugene Wigner devised a thought experiment to show what's so tricky about the idea of measurement.

He considered a situation in which his friend goes into a tightly sealed lab and performs a measurement on a quantum particle — its position, say.

However, Wigner noticed that if he applied the equations of quantum mechanics to describe this situation from the outside, the result was quite different. Instead of the friend's measurement making the particle's position real, from Wigner's perspective the friend becomes entangled with the particle and infected with the uncertainty that surrounds it.

This is similar to Schrödinger's famous cat, a thought experiment in which the fate of a cat in a box becomes entangled with a random quantum event.

Read more: Schrödinger's cat gets a reality check

For Wigner, this was an absurd conclusion. Instead, he believed that once the consciousness of an observer becomes involved, the entanglement would "collapse" to make the friend's observation definite.

But what if Wigner was wrong?

Our experiment

In our research, we built on an extended version of the Wigner's friend paradox, first proposed by Časlav Brukner of the University of Vienna. In this scenario, there are two physicists — call them Alice and Bob — each with their own friends (Charlie and Debbie) in two distant labs.

There's another twist: Charlie and Debbie are now measuring a pair of entangled particles, like in the Bell experiments.

As in Wigner's argument, the equations of quantum mechanics tell us Charlie and Debbie should become entangled with their observed particles. But because those particles were already entangled with each other, Charlie and Debbie themselves should become entangled — in theory.

But what does that imply experimentally?

Read more: Quantum physics: our study suggests objective reality doesn't exist

Our experiment goes like this: the friends enter their labs and measure their particles. Some time later, Alice and Bob each flip a coin. If it's heads, they open the door and ask their friend what they saw. If it's tails, they perform a different measurement.

This different measurement always gives a positive outcome for Alice if Charlie is entangled with his observed particle in the way calculated by Wigner. Likewise for Bob and Debbie.

In any realisation of this measurement, however, any record of their friend's observation inside the lab is blocked from reaching the external world. Charlie or Debbie will not remember having seen anything inside the lab, as if waking up from total anaesthesia.

But did it really happen, even if they don't remember it?

If the three intuitive ideas at the beginning of this article are correct, each friend saw a real and unique outcome for their measurement inside the lab, independent of whether or not Alice or Bob later decided to open their door. Also, what Alice and Charlie see should not depend on how Bob's distant coin lands, and vice versa.

We showed that if this were the case, there would be limits to the correlations Alice and Bob could expect to see between their results. We also showed that quantum mechanics predicts Alice and Bob will see correlations that go beyond those limits.

Next, we did an experiment to confirm the quantum mechanical predictions using pairs of entangled photons. The role of each friend's measurement was played by one of two paths each photon may take in the setup, depending on a property of the photon called "polarisation". That is, the path "measures" the polarisation.

Our experiment is only really a proof of principle, since the "friends" are very small and simple. But it opens the question whether the same results would hold with more complex observers.

We may never be able to do this experiment with real humans. But we argue that it may one day be possible to create a conclusive demonstration if the "friend" is a human-level artificial intelligence running in a massive quantum computer.

What does it all mean?

Although a conclusive test may be decades away, if the quantum mechanical predictions continue to hold, this has strong implications for our understanding of reality — even more so than the Bell correlations. For one, the correlations we discovered cannot be explained just by saying that physical properties don't exist until they are measured.

Now the absolute reality of measurement outcomes themselves is called into question.

Our results force physicists to deal with the measurement problem head on: either our experiment doesn't scale up, and quantum mechanics gives way to a so-called "objective collapse theory", or one of our three common-sense assumptions must be rejected.

Read more: The universe really is weird: a landmark quantum experiment has finally proved it so

There are theories, like de Broglie-Bohm, that postulate "action at a distance", in which actions can have instantaneous effects elsewhere in the universe. However, this is in direct conflict with Einstein's theory of relativity.

Some search for a theory that rejects freedom of choice, but they either require backwards causality, or a seemingly conspiratorial form of fatalism called "superdeterminism".

Another way to resolve the conflict could be to make Einstein's theory even more relative. For Einstein, different observers could disagree about when or where something happens — but what happens was an absolute fact.

However, in some interpretations, such as relational quantum mechanics, QBism, or the many-worlds interpretation, events themselves may occur only relative to one or more observers. A fallen tree observed by one may not be a fact for everyone else.

All of this does not imply that you can choose your own reality. Firstly, you can choose what questions you ask, but the answers are given by the world. And even in a relational world, when two observers communicate, their realities are entangled. In this way a shared reality can emerge.

Which means that if we both witness the same tree falling and you say you can't hear it, you might just need a hearing aid.

This article was originally published at The Conversation. The publication contributed the article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Eric Cavalcanti
Associate Professor (ARC Future Fellow), Griffith University

Eric Cavalcanti is an associate professor and ARC Future Fellow at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. His research is aimed at uncovering the reality behind the mathematics of quantum mechanics, and how it allows for exciting technologies such as quantum computing and cryptography. Eric received his doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Queensland in 2008.

  • Astro Wagon
    So if nobody sees a super really never happened. Got it..... WRONG WRONG WRONG.....If a tree falls in a forest it makes a sound regardless if somebody is there to hear it.
  • Jamo72
    Without the capacity to perceive the occurrence of the falling tree, the event itself is in a state of occurring and not occurring until there is an observer. I think this is what they are driving at. To observe it more or less analogous to taking a measurement, and technically, this is what perception is; the mind's measurements of it's surroundings. If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, it both makes a sound and doesn't make a sound...Physically we can argue the tree hitting the ground causes vibratory disturbances resulting in sound, but sound itself is only relevant because of the perceptual structures which enable us to process it. Thus the tree makes no sound, as there is nothing from which to detect it. The really intriguing question would be what occurs which we lack the sensory structures to detect when the tree falls?Or rather what aren't we perceiving?
  • FB36
    There are many different proposed interpretations of quantum mechanics:
    Which one is the correct one?

    IMHO, none of them & I think the (only) true/correct interpretation of QM is actually simple but also very profound:

    Imagine that, our whole reality is actually a quantum computer (& so, rules of QM are actually its operating/computation rules)!!!

    (& realize, that would also imply/mean, each quantum particle is actually a set of quantum computer state registers/variables (to make computations w/)!
    For example, realize, both electric charge & rest mass of each elementary particle could be just a qutrit (in that particle) that can have one of 3 values: +1, 0, -1. (& also its color charge (R, G, B) would only require 1 qutrit!)
    & so, realize, what needs to be done is, to determine how many qutrits each elementary particle has & how exactly they are used in computations, by our reality quantum computer!)
  • Hayseed
    Quantum mechanics and the standard model have nothing to do with common sense. Common sense has to be nullified for those theories. The only model built on common sense is the Parson Magneton.
  • Hitshed
    Now...let's not be self-important. Take the human thought equation out of the question and it all ends. The physical world will continue to work without the thoughts and expostulations of little better than amoeba creatures.
  • alexford
    Astro Wagon said:
    So if nobody sees a super really never happened. Got it..... WRONG WRONG WRONG.....If a tree falls in a forest it makes a sound regardless if somebody is there to hear it.
    How can you apply science and intellectual honest without mentioning a definition of terms? Thus saying that a tree doesn't make a sound or does make a sound, depends upon what sound is. Sound is an effect and those hearing have a measuring device consisting of the eardrum and the network connecting it to a detection device, part of the brain. It is not so much that removal of a person means the sound isn't being measured, or maybe it is. Sound waves have a character/composition that make them up. Measurement can be done on a scope designed to detect the waves themselves, for example 440 vibrations per second (the A tone or sound). The vibrations caused by the tree falling in a forest are in fact present. So the cause portion is present. But if sound is defined as something that is heard but there is no organism with hearing detection present, perhaps there is no sound. There is no sound detection device, only a device detecting the vibrations of a transmission as they travel through a medium. In each scientific experiment both the variables and the definition of terms must be at least considered, if not laid out and defined and controlled, or the experiment has no chance of being replicated either successfully or even unsuccessfully. As far as existence is concerned, there is space and that which is in it. From all experience, within space, motion is found. Time has to do with energy and matter have a vector attached to it. All efforts at measurement have demonstrated to our senses and our understanding that the stuff of the universe has not only motion, but interactive motion and also has as a result of the interactions, vectors. Predicting them is another matter in terms of any measurement chosen. Randomness and chaos appear to be present when the organization of time and motion are quantified through measurement and experiment. This makes perfect sense, as time itself is either slowed down or stopped, relative to what exists. Therefore what is being measured does not exist as it exists when the measurement is observed. This appears to happen particularly at the micro level with both energy and matter. It also seems to have an infinite number of variables as to what is conceived as being, "out there," in space, both that which we've thus far measured and that which we have neither discovered yet, nor measured yet. Measurement always involves altering of time. How closely our instruments can measure it, depend upon more than just the obvious. In a track meet, sensors measure the reaction of the runner against the blocks once the gun has gone off. (already movements and sound and elapsed time and reaction time are involved, even if to a very small amount, affecting accuracy of the measurement. Then a phototimer using electronic devices along with a camera capture what has just occurred. This equipment has replace an observer, the runners, sound of the starter gun and a stopwatch both started and stopped by humans at the sound of the gun and the moment the plane of the finish line is broken by the runner's body or body part. For the purposes of recording runners' times and placements, this has been good enough. As refinements in timing has been developed the places to the right of the decimal point in terms of seconds, have been extended. The accuracy is increased, but only by very finite amounts. Perhaps if the determinate part of the runners' bodies is more accurately measured, ties would be eliminated. A tie at point zero, zero, zero, might not be a tie if one could develop a discriminate device that could go to the molecular or even the atomic structure. On the other hand, for these purposes, surely what we have now is good enough. Another slightly different example would be the race of swimmers which has added the final touch to the formula. Even this discussion involves variable that cannot be accounted for. In science, often, the expression, "...all other things being equal..." tends to replace the effort to discover and enumerate all variables and to account for them during an experiment. In our own, every day physical reality, we have accepted, "...good enough..." with regards to measurement in many cases. For example the property survey. The variable of the planet itself cannot completely account for differences in surveys, but in general, over a very large number of land surveys with our current equipment, we as human beings have reached that point where, "good enough," not only will have to do, it appears to do rather nicely in most cases. As always, the stoppage of time is in fact a part of the process of the measurement. Newton, and the other mathematicians seem to have been good enough to measure this form of reality for all, "practical purposes." AF
  • David J Franks
    Hi, you use the word random, what do you understand by random? This article is partly about cause and effect. I believe cause and effect always dominate so, therefore, I believe in determinism. In this belief, there's no such thing as random.

    Please can you break up any future text with paragraphs please, it's difficult reading, Thanks:)
  • SakuraShinRa
    This is probably a dumb question cos I'm kind of an idiot but why can't they do this experiment with real people to see what happens? I mean, putting a couple of people in a room to measure some particles and having two more people wait outside with coins to flip seems like a thing that could be done, right? No?
  • alexford
    guestman said:
    The universe and its abundance of life on the earth is indeed a "quantum paradox", for there are so many postulated views of how it all arose, if it is measureable, or is this just a "dream" ? For example, was Albert Einstein always right ? No.

    In his General Theory of Relativity of 1915 (published in 1916, where space and time seems to be interlocked , "curves the fabric of space" or space itself is bent around massive objects , and in which he had spent 10 years working on this theory), Albert Einstein assumed that the universe was stagnant, with all the stars just sitting there, like "a bump on a log"

    It was not until his visit to the Mt Wilson Observatory in California in 1931 and discussing it with Edwin Hubble, whereby he was shown that the universe is bigger than once imagined and is in motion, expanding rapidly, that he realized what he called his "greatest cosmological blunder".

    And then in December 1934, he felt that harnessing nuclear energy would be a "miracle" that was considered as "impossible", saying: "There is not the slightest indication that (nuclear energy) will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will".(Note: Enrico Fermi had discovered earlier in 1934, that if you bombard uranium with neutrons (or fission), uranium splits into lighter elements, releasing powerful energy. However Einstein was still skeptical, until in 1939, his skepticism was overtaken by the ever increasing knowledge of fission, in which the United States government began the Manhattan Project in that year)

    It is now understood that "general relativity remains an incomplete description of gravity", and how general relativity can be reconciled with quantum (or particle) physics. And this belief that the stars were stagnant or non-moving and that the earth was the center of the known universe actually was put forth by Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.).

    The Greek astronomer Ptolemy (about 100 C.E. ? - 170 C.E. ?) explored the heavens with his eyes alone, tracking the planets across the night sky and was skilled as a mapmaker. But he believed, as Aristotle taught, that the earth was the center of everything. Astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934-1996 C.E.) wrote of Ptolemy: “His Earth-centered universe held sway for 1,500 years, a reminder that intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong.”

    So, with all the different (and ever changing) views (or more accurately conjectures, speculations, theories) buzzing around, it is wise to put one's faith in them as "cast into stone" ? Consider what an ancient Israelite king named Solomon (reigned 1037-998 B.C.E.) wrote for our benefit: "The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step".(Prov 14:15 in the Bible)

    Thus, who is the one that we can place our implicit trust in, that never fails to tell the truth and is an unfailing guide for us ? In the Bible, at Isaiah 48, it says: "This is what Jehovah (God's personal name) says, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One guiding you in the way you should walk".(Isa 48:17)

    And at Isaiah 42, it states: "This is what the true God, Jehovah, says, the Creator of the heavens and the Grand One who stretched them out, the One who spread out the earth and its produce, the One who gives breath to the people on it and spirit (or life force, like applying electricity to an appliance so that it comes to "life") to those who walk on it".(Isa 42:5)

    Therefore, when it comes to matters regarding the future, our future, we can, without reservation and not be a "quantum paradox", turn to Jehovah God for guidance and see what he has in store for mankind.(see Isa 25:6-9; 33:24)

    The above is excellent and well organized. To believe in an intelligent creator with all the powers attributed to God, is indeed a choice. In a sense, this is one of the few choices of free will tham mankind has. Freedom of choice is an interesting concept because since the beginning of communication of any kind among humans and maybe among animals, the parts of the kingdom in let's say, early man (and women of course) involved attempts to convince people to do one thing or another. Thus convinced or not a choice among two or more options was made. In some cases it may have meant death and in others it may have meant choosing a partner to mate with for life. (May have.) The point is that these were choices. Fast forward to today and there is so much information around. It's everywhere. education is formal and informal. There is self learning through one's active senses and experience and there is learning from the environment and others in both the human and animal kingdoms that, "teach," and therefore shape choices. In some cases the education and subsequent decisions followed by behavior(s) seem logical and in some cases, less than logical. Either way, choices lead to a specific behavior that might have or could have been different. Once could argue that the macro environment limits those choices. Once could also argue that the local environment limits choices. Folkways and morays are a group effort of attempting to predetermine choices and also to limit them. Taking all limiting factors of choice (ability to think in advance about what course to take or what to do) and taking into account all the variables within the environment and within the human organism, which themselves vary, appear to naturally limit choices. The more one thinks about it, the more choices are limited. To vote or not to vote? To vote for one candidate or another. Both are limited to a very few choices. The whole world isn't necessarily a person's Oyster (of choices). The expressions have various meanings depending upon their context. Perhaps the creation and all that has happened in it is just random chaos rules by some of the rules of and laws of physics of various kinds. Perhaps as time and motions continue, choices become more and more limited. It that is true, limitations of different kinds, over choices were set in motion long ago. For example the various sizes of Black Holes and what they can do and what they do do, come to mind. Once in their state as black holes with their own set of physics, the black hole starts to pull in material around it, as has been shown in the photographs of the waves that represent the images. It shows the magnetism and it even shows the qualities of the black hole as material is pulled in with a certain and particular shape. Just like water spinning down a drain, forces show that spin cycle at work as the hold tears apart various space objects and/or pulls them near by and then to the event horizen and then continuing within the meaning of Black Hole Physics, to pull the material in and also to affect its makeup is some sort of fashion. We haven't mastered Black hole physics, so assumptions about information preservation are speculative at best. That's what I've perceived and noticed and that's my idea and story and I'm sticking to it. Alex Ford
  • Astro Wagon
    alexford said:
    How can you apply science and intellectual honest without mentioning a definition of terms? Thus saying that a tree doesn't make a sound or does make a sound, depends upon what sound is. Sound is an effect and those hearing have a measuring device consisting of the eardrum and the network connecting it to a detection device, part of the brain. It is not so much that removal of a person means the sound isn't being measured, or maybe it is. Sound waves have a character/composition that make them up. Measurement can be done on a scope designed to detect the waves themselves, for example 440 vibrations per second (the A tone or sound). The vibrations caused by the tree falling in a forest are in fact present. So the cause portion is present. But if sound is defined as something that is heard but there is no organism with hearing detection present, perhaps there is no sound. There is no sound detection device, only a device detecting the vibrations of a transmission as they travel through a medium. In each scientific experiment both the variables and the definition of terms must be at least considered, if not laid out and defined and controlled, or the experiment has no chance of being replicated either successfully or even unsuccessfully. As far as existence is concerned, there is space and that which is in it. From all experience, within space, motion is found. Time has to do with energy and matter have a vector attached to it. All efforts at measurement have demonstrated to our senses and our understanding that the stuff of the universe has not only motion, but interactive motion and also has as a result of the interactions, vectors. Predicting them is another matter in terms of any measurement chosen. Randomness and chaos appear to be present when the organization of time and motion are quantified through measurement and experiment. This makes perfect sense, as time itself is either slowed down or stopped, relative to what exists. Therefore what is being measured does not exist as it exists when the measurement is observed. This appears to happen particularly at the micro level with both energy and matter. It also seems to have an infinite number of variables as to what is conceived as being, "out there," in space, both that which we've thus far measured and that which we have neither discovered yet, nor measured yet. Measurement always involves altering of time. How closely our instruments can measure it, depend upon more than just the obvious. In a track meet, sensors measure the reaction of the runner against the blocks once the gun has gone off. (already movements and sound and elapsed time and reaction time are involved, even if to a very small amount, affecting accuracy of the measurement. Then a phototimer using electronic devices along with a camera capture what has just occurred. This equipment has replace an observer, the runners, sound of the starter gun and a stopwatch both started and stopped by humans at the sound of the gun and the moment the plane of the finish line is broken by the runner's body or body part. For the purposes of recording runners' times and placements, this has been good enough. As refinements in timing has been developed the places to the right of the decimal point in terms of seconds, have been extended. The accuracy is increased, but only by very finite amounts. Perhaps if the determinate part of the runners' bodies is more accurately measured, ties would be eliminated. A tie at point zero, zero, zero, might not be a tie if one could develop a discriminate device that could go to the molecular or even the atomic structure. On the other hand, for these purposes, surely what we have now is good enough. Another slightly different example would be the race of swimmers which has added the final touch to the formula. Even this discussion involves variable that cannot be accounted for. In science, often, the expression, "...all other things being equal..." tends to replace the effort to discover and enumerate all variables and to account for them during an experiment. In our own, every day physical reality, we have accepted, "...good enough..." with regards to measurement in many cases. For example the property survey. The variable of the planet itself cannot completely account for differences in surveys, but in general, over a very large number of land surveys with our current equipment, we as human beings have reached that point where, "good enough," not only will have to do, it appears to do rather nicely in most cases. As always, the stoppage of time is in fact a part of the process of the measurement. Newton, and the other mathematicians seem to have been good enough to measure this form of reality for all, "practical purposes." AF

    Light too, makes a sound.