Have Questions about Diet and Exercise? Join our Twitter Chat

Are you having a hard time keeping your New Year's resolutions? If so, don't worry. Live Science, the Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center will be hosting a Twitter chat Monday (Jan. 12) at 2:30 p.m. EST, to answer any of your questions about diets, nutrition and exercise.

Health Editor Karen Rowan and staff writers Rachael Rettner and Bahar Gholipour will represent Live Science in the chat. Dr. Keith T. Ayoob and Dr. Judith Wylie-Rosett of the Einstein College of Medicine will join the Live Science team to answer your questions. Bariatric dietitian Lori Rosenthal of Montefiore Medical Center will also be on hand to comment. You can follow all of our experts at the following Twitter handles:

  • @krowan
  • @RachaelRettner
  • @Alterwired
  • @EinsteinMed
  • @KeithAyoob
  • @MontefioreNYC

To join the conversation, leave us a note in the comments section or tag your questions on Twitter with #LSHealthchat. Then, be sure to follow the hashtag on Monday at 2:30 p.m. EST to get all your questions answered.

(Image credit: Anita Rahman)
MyHealthNewsDaily Contributor