Beth Ann Malow

Beth Ann Malow

Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University

My research has focused on the impact of treating sleep disorders on neurological disease, and in autism, although I have also become involved in recent years in mitigating vaccine hesitancy and enhancing climate change communication. I hold an endowed chair, the Burry Chair in Cognitive Childhood Development and serve as Vice Chair for Academic Affairs in our Department of Neurology. In addition to conducting my own NIH and foundation-funded patient-oriented research, I have taken an active role in facilitating patient-oriented research through my involvement as Director of Clinical Translational Research for the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Developmental Disabilities. I direct the Vanderbilt Sleep Disorders Division. My pursuits outside of work involve being a national moderator for Braver Angels, focused on bridging the political divide. I am also an active member of Toastmasters International.

Articles by: Beth Ann Malow